Friday, 25 April 2014

The Pursuit: More props and shots completed!

Apologies for the lack of posts here, progress is being made thick and fast and without making excuses, I've been in the "groove" of modelling, texturing and churning out everything from graffiti planes to bins to help fill this scene!

Here are a few renders of the finished shots so far, feel free to click on the image to see an enlarged version.

As you can see, extra bricks have been placed into the floor to help break up the tiles and add extra 3D detail to the shots which I think works well. Greater detail would be added if using a displacement map, however, in these shots the character's faces dominate the scene and extra detail in the floor does not warrant the added render times which average around 5 minutes. (The highest being 7:16 for shot 3 with the ivy).

Upon studying these shots as a group, it seems apparent that the lighting colour is not consistent, so the next step is triple check the RBG values are the same for each light and then onwards and upwards to complete the scene by Sunday - two and a half days and counting - yikes!

Wish me luck folks!

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